West Java Regional Police Ditreskrimsus Awarded the Indonesian Ministry of Religion Award for Handling the Haji Furoda Case

PersatuanindoNEWS.com - The Director-General of Hajj and Umrah Organization of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia has awarded the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) of the West Java Regional Police. The award was given in recognition of their handling of special umrah and hajj pilgrimage issues by Subdirectorate I Indag of Ditreskrimsus West Java Regional Police.

PersatuanindoNEWS.com - The Director-General of Hajj and Umrah Organization of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia has awarded the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) of the West Java Regional Police. The award was given in recognition of their handling of special umrah and hajj pilgrimage issues by Subdirectorate I Indag of Ditreskrimsus West Java Regional Police.

The Director of Ditreskrimsus West Java Regional Police, Commissioner Police Deni Okvianto, stated that his team had handled the case of Special Hajj involving 46 Indonesian furoda hajj pilgrims who were deported. All of these cases occurred in 2023.

"We attended the invitation from the Ministry of Religious Affairs to receive the award. This award is given because we have successfully dealt with the issues of special umrah and hajj pilgrimage," said Deni on Wednesday, August 16, 2023.

Furoda hajj refers to the hajj pilgrimage carried out using mujamalah visas obtained directly from the Saudi Arabian government. It can be done without involving the Indonesian government.

Deni stated that the dozens of pilgrims had been proven to have used unofficial furoda visas from Malaysia and Singapore. Therefore, these pilgrims were repatriated to Indonesia even though they had arrived in Saudi Arabia.

"The pilgrims did not depart through the Special Hajj Organizer ," said Deni.

With the award being given, Deni said that his team would continue to be committed to preventing similar incidents. They will also make efforts to investigate any organizers who violate the regulations.


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