Strengthening Rehabilitation Efforts for Drug Users with Family Involvement

Strengthening Rehabilitation Efforts for Drug Users with Family Involvement - The Directorate of Strengthening Rehabilitation Institutions of Government Agencies (PLRIP) under the Deputy of Rehabilitation of the Indonesian National Narcotics Board (BNN RI) held an event to enhance the capabilities of officers in the field of Treatnet Family Intervention (TFI) at Swiss-Belresidences Kalibata Hotel, South Jakarta, on Wednesday (31/8).

The Training of Trainers (ToT) activity in the field of Treatnet Family Intervention was conducted as a manifestation of the directive from the Head of BNN RI, Commissioner General Prof. Dr. Petrus Reinhard Golose, to accelerate the implementation of the War on Drugs strategy. This is aimed at achieving better acceleration of services.

Treatnet Family Intervention is a program that involves families in the recovery process for drug users. This activity is very important because rehabilitation officers/counselors have often focused only on drug users, while family involvement has been limited.

To maximize the program, a total of 25 participants from BNN Rehabilitation Centers and Provincial BNN attended the training. These officers will also provide similar training to practitioners in the working areas of BNN Rehabilitation Centers and Provincial BNN.

Deputy of Rehabilitation of BNN RI, Dra. Riza Sarasvita, M.Si., MHS., Ph.D., revealed that the recovery process for drug users, whether through outpatient or inpatient care, is crucial in involving families.

"Sometimes, the family wants their child to be rehabilitated, but the child refuses. There are also cases where the child agrees to rehabilitation, but the family refuses," said Dra. Riza Sarasvita, M.Si., MHS., Ph.D.

"This poses a unique challenge for rehabilitation officers/counselors. Here, the officers are trained on how to understand the resistance that occurs between the family and the drug user. This step is taken to facilitate dialogue and improve the connection between the drug user and their family," she continued.

The hope is that with the involvement of the family in the recovery process of drug users, the process can proceed more smoothly, thus avoiding relapse in the future.


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